




2011.1-2016.3 博士,机械工程, 诺丁汉大学

2007.9-2010.7 硕士,机械工程, 湖南大学

2003.9-2007.7 学士,机械设计制造及其自动化, 湖南大学


2019.7-至今 副教授, 福建工程学院10大菠菜信誉担保网

2016.8-2019.6 讲师, 福建工程学院10大菠菜信誉担保网

2014.9-2015.8 访问助理教授, 宁波诺丁汉大学理工学院




[1]  福建省自然科学基金项目,2020J01873,海上风电基础导管架相贯部位多层多道焊缝耦合作用机理与智能规划方法,2020.11-2023.107, 主持

[2]  企业课题,GY-H-20176,安全教育虚拟仿真技术研究及应用,2020.12-2023.12, 220万,主持

[3]  企业课题,GY-H-20066,激光熔覆加工机床数字化样机开发,2020.7-2023.7, 24万,主持

[4]  福建省科技重大专项专题项目,2020HZ03018,海上风电重型装备焊接自动化与控制技术,2020.11-2023.10500万,排名7

[5]  福建省教育厅重大项目,KY010202,智能绿色模具科技创新团队,2020.11-2023.12, 60万,排名7

[6]  企业课题,GY-H-20199,轴承CAD/CAPP辅助设计系统,2021.1-2023.12, 20万,排名3

[7]  企业课题,GY-H-20023,纤维增强热塑性复合材料3D打印装备的开发,2020.5-2023.5, 22万,排名4


² 期刊论文

[1]  Xianbin Zeng, Qianting Wang, Changrong Chen*, Guofu Lian, Xu Huang. Effects of WC addition on the morphology, microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe50/TiC/WC laser claddings on AISI 1045 steel. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2021, 427: 127781. (中科院1区,IF4.158

[2]  江吉彬, 周井鑫, 陈昌荣*, 俞希伟, 练国富, 高险峰. Research on multi-objective optimization of GMAW welding of DH36 steel. China Welding, 2021, 30(02): 25-34. (机械工程领域,T2级)

[3]  Changrong Chen, Xianbin Zeng, Qianting Wang, Guofu Lian, Xu Huang, and Yan Wang. Statistical modelling and optimization of microhardness transition through depth of laser surface hardened AISI 1045 carbon steel. Optics and Laser Technology, 2020, 124.(中科院2区,IF3. 867

[4]  Changrong Chen, Shoujin Zeng, and Liangyou Su. Strain energy based method for metal magnetic memory effect of tensile tested structures. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2019, 38(1):12. (中科院2区,IF1. 995

[5]  Changrong Chen, Yueh-Jaw Lin, Hengan Ou, and Yan Wang. Study of heat source calibration and modelling for laser welding process. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2018, 19(8):1239–1244. (中科院4区,IF2. 106

[6]  Changrong Chen, Guofu Lian, Jibin Jiang, and Qianting Wang. Simplification and experimental investigation of geometrical surface smoothness model for multi-track laser cladding processes. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 36:621–628.(中科院2区,IF5.01

[7]  Changrong Chen, Yan Wang, and Hengan Ou. Study of weld characteristics for repair using sequential experimental design and artificial neural networks. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 84(5-8):1313–1323.(中科院3区,IF3.226

[8]  Changrong Chen, Yan Wang, Hengan Ou, and Yueh-Jaw Lin. Energy-based approach to thermal fatigue life of tool steels for die casting dies. International Journal of Fatigue, 2016, 92:166–178. (中科院1区,IF5. 186

[9]  Changrong Chen, Yan Wang, Hengan Ou, Yan He, and Xianzhi Tang. A review on remanufacture of dies and moulds. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 64:13–23. (中科院1区,IF9. 297

² 专利

[1]  陈昌荣, 曾宪斌, 王乾廷, 练国富,黄旭. 一种能够调节轴线高度的曲轴夹具. CN209409313u, 2019.3.22.

[2]  陈昌荣, 王乾廷, 曾宪斌, 练国富,黄旭. 一种具有锻打装置的3d打印机. CN208628980u, 2019.9.20.

² 标准

[1]  洪秀, 王乾廷, 陈昌荣, 马兴, 叶仙平, 姚玉明,陈鼎宁. 散装物料智能管理平台. t/fzwlw 10—2020, 2020.

[2]  洪秀, 王乾廷, 陈昌荣, 马兴, 叶仙平, 姚玉明,陈鼎宁. 物联网智能汽车衡. t/fzwlw 11—2020, 2020.


2022.5 获得福建工程学院研究生教学成果一等奖(排名第三)

2021.1 获得福建省教学成果奖特等奖(排名第

2019.8 指导员工获得挑战杯全国大员工系列科技学术竞赛福建省三等奖

2019.4 获得20172018学年度优秀班导师称号

2018.12 指导员工获得全国三维数字化创新设计大赛福建赛区一等奖

2016.12 校首届英语学术报告一等奖


